

Yellow Alert |
The emergency department temporarily requests that it receive absolutely no patients in need of urgent medical care. Yellow alert is initiated because the Emergency dept is experiencing a temporary overwhelming overload such that priority II and III patients may not be managed safely. Prior to diverting pediatric patients, medical consultation is advised for pediatric patient transports when emergency departments are on yellow alert. |
Red Alert |
The hospital has no ECG monitored beds available. These ECG monitored beds will include all in-patient critical care areas and telemetry beds. |
Mini Disaster |
The emergency department reports that their facility has, in effect, suspended operation and can receive absolutely no patients due to a situation such as a power-outage, fire, gas leak, bomb scare, etc. |
ReRoute |
An ALS/BLS unit is being held in the emergency department of a hospital due to lack of an available bed. (This does not replace Yellow Alert.) |
Trauma ByPass |
The hospital's ability to function as a trauma center has been exceeded. (This decision is at the discretion of the facility.) |
Blue |
When an EMS jurisdictional system is temporarily taxed to its limits in providing pre hospital care and ambulance transportation due to extraordinary situations such as snow, icing, flooding or other circumstances that contribute to high demand for ambulance service, the jurisdiction may declare blue alert status which suspends yellow alert. |
Hospital | Yellow Alert | Red Alert | Mini Disaster | ReRoute | Trauma ByPass |
Garrett Regional Medical Center (WVU) | | | | | |
Western Maryland (UPMC) | | | | | |
Frederick Health Hospital | 03:32 | | | | |
Meritus Medical Center | | | | | |
Atlantic General Hospital | | | | | |
Cambridge Free-Standing ED (UMSRH) | | | | | |
Chestertown (UMSRH) | | | | 00:19 | |
Dorchester (UMSRH) | | | | | |
Easton (UMSRH) | | | | | |
McCready Health Pavilion | | | | | |
Peninsula Regional (TidalHealth) | | | | | |
Queenstown Emergency Center (UMSRH) | | | | | |
Union Hospital (ChristianaCare) | | 19:53 | | | |
County | Blue |
Allegany County | |
Garrett County | |
Frederick County | |
Washington County | |
Caroline County | |
Cecil County | |
Dorchester County | |
Kent County | |
Queen Anne's County | 19:53 |
Somerset County | |
Talbot County | 19:53 |
Wicomico County | |
Worchester County | |